
Archive for the ‘Free Iphone 3gs Apps’ Category

how to get free apps for iphone 3GS?

March 6th, 2012 5 comments

i want to learn exactly how to get free apps for iphone 3GS including games
is there anyway i could get free apps without ruining my phone? and if the answer is no what could happen to my iphone 3GS if i jailbreak it?

There are a lot of free apps in the App Store that don’t require hacking or lawbreaking.

But if you want to use apps from other places than the App Store, you need to jailbreak the phone.
Jailbreaking shouldn’t ruin your phone if done correctly. But it is somewhat illegal (though it’s doubtful you’d face any fines or jailtime for it) and it voids your iPhones warrenty. And it’s always illegal to obtain a copyrighted application without paying for it, that could get you fined. Plus you wouldn’t be able to connect to iTunes or recieve support/updates from Apple. If it’s worth the risk for you just Google how to jailbreak iPhone 3gs, there are plenty of articles that show you how.

Top 10 FREE AppStore Apps for iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G and iPod Touch 4 3G 2G 1G

March 6th, 2012 25 comments

Can’t decide among the hundreds of thousands of appstore applications as to which are the ones worth keeping? Don’t want to spend a penny for any of them either? Then watch on 🙂

Top 10 FREE iPhone and iPod Touch Applications — presented on a Jailbroken and Customized iPhone 4:

1.) Alarm Clock 0:25
2.) Pulse News Mini 2:43
3.) MoodAgent Free 4:06
4.) TweetDeck 5:18
5.) Flashlight 7:31
6.) Adobe Photoshop Express 7:55
7.) Springpad 9:57
8.) Dragon Dictation 11:41
9.) Dictionary! 12:39
10.) Fake a Call Free 13:21

Want this phone? I’m selling it so I can buy new phones to review/tutorialize for you guys (and gals :). Check out the ebay auction (NEW link – had to relist because original buyer never paid):

Also check out my Top 20 Must Have Cydia Apps Tweaks and Mods for iPhone 4 3gs 3g 2g iPod Touch 4g 3g 2g 1g for jailbreakers:

Enjoy! Don’t forget to Rate, Comment, & Subscribe 🙂
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Duration : 0:15:1

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